Flu-con administrative department is Head by Mrs. Sunitha Dsouza backed by strong and dedicated team who are engaged in various day to day administrative activities and help in keeping the working environment healthy by coordinating with various departments, visitors and customers as required. Our admin department at present also looks after HR related activities which handles the total staff and labour requirements of 150 personnel. This department also handles the finance requirement, accounts and sales billing of the company. In addition to this our administrative department is responsible for the training requirements of the individuals and conducts the training in a time bound and efficient manner. Flu-con believes its biggest assets are a well trained and dedicated work force committed to the companies goals and thereby attain their own personal goals and achieve job satisfaction.

Flu-con sales and marketing team is Head by our dedicated and hardworking Mr. G. Ravishankar who is having nearly 16 years of experience in the field of product sales and marketing with a vast travelling knowledge across the length and breadth of the nation and is well versed in several different languages which enables him to interact with various types of people from different strata of the industry. He is well supported by 4 sales personnel handling the various states as directed and also further backed by 2 sales co-ordinators who are the link between the sales team and back office. Our sales motto is to directly engage the customer to understand their need and to deliver the appropriate solution in the quickest possible time.

Flu-con design And tool room is headed By Mr. Mahesh Keer who is a dedicated and self trained mould maker having over 25 years experience in mould and tool making and is ably assisted by a dedicated team of designers and assistant mould makers. Our tool room is equipped with all modern machines from CNC milling of BFW make to EDM sparking of Chmer Taiwan and EDM wire cut machine along with the standard range of conventional tool room machines. Our tool room produces upto 4 new moulds each month and carries out the routine maintenance and break down maintenance of our existing moulds which ensure a high product quality and proper product construction is maintained at all times. Our design team is directly involved in new product design from conceptualisation stage to rapid prototyping of the product and testing, prior to full-fledged development of the product. For this we are having licensed high end 3d design software to give us a better idea on mould designs and study the final product outcome vis a vis the requirement.

Flu-con production activities are directly handled by Mr Ashok Shetty who is having vast experience in the field of production and people management. He is ably assisted by a well trained team of assistants and shop floor supervisors who are looking after the daily manufacturing and production of all products manufactured at our Dombivali plant. Flu-con follows all ISO practices and has designed its own quality manual to suit the manufacturing activities and makes sure that the same is followed by all concerned so as to achieve the desired productivity and required quality at all given times. Flucon has also vastly invested in new machines from time to time and is currently having 13 injection moulding machines from top global machine manufacturers such as ENGEL Austria, Krauss Maffei Germany, Asian plastic Taiwan and L&T Demag India. Our current production capacity is to process upto 2000 kilograms of Raw materials per day. In addition we also do extrusion moulding of nylon and LD plastic tubings for industrial applications and Have our own compression machines for DMC and SMC mouldings. Our equipments and departments are integrated by an ERP system which follows Paperless procedures and is integrated with our machines to give continuous and real-time feedback of the manufacturing process, thereby making the system more efficient to deliver on time and a quality product.
Our production team is ably assisted by a team of dedicated engineers who perform preventive maintenance and routine maintenance of the plant and equipment which ensure minimal breakdowns of tools and equipment.

Flu-con quality department and QC Lab was developed as a full-fledged stand alone department in the year 2010 and is currently handled By Mr. Prakash Thakare a qualified engineer having years of experience in the quality assurance and quality control field. He is ably assisted by a bunch of junior engineers and assistants. Flu-con has adopted ISO practices from the year 2005 and has since constantly worked on fine tuning and improving these practices to suit our manufacturing needs. Flucon has come a long way since its initial product offerings in the market, and toady looks at its own products and its management belief to deliver a strong and well engineered product in the market. Besides having its own in house Lab for testing of products flu-con also carries out third party testing of its various products from reputed NABL accredited local and international laboratories and certifying bodies such as TUV Rhineland (Germany), Karandikar laboratories and TCR laboratories situated in INDIA. Flu-con manufacturing process is regularly audited by our internal audit system and also by external auditor and customer based audits. All incoming materials at the plant go through vigorous testing process to ensure that we use only the top quality raw materials in our manufacturing process.

Our packing and dispatch department is also Headed By Sunitha Dsouza under whom there are trained supervisors to carry out inspection , post processing and packaging of the products. This process is also integrated with our QC department to ensure that the quality and packaging needs of the product and or customer are properly understood and followed accordingly. Our packing team also conduct a final check on quality so that each product passing through the line is properly inspected and free of any defects.